It's time for my annual rant on the ineffectiveness of New Year resolutions. This year I'm adding business planning and professional development goals suck too!
"But, you've got to do it!"
Only 12% of anyone who makes resolutions makes it past the first month. How many small business people make plans or review their last plan in preparation for the New Year? Of those, how many set goals that are unattainable or unrealistic?
Since I've been teaching people how to think like black belts I can tell you've I've met too many people who either do no planning whatsoever or set goals they won't reach unless hell freezes a bridge across the River Styx.
Here are some common bullshit excuses and some no bullshit responses:
- I don't have enough time.
This is the biggest pile of bullshit excuse out there! First of all, immediately stop what you're doing and go to the bookstore…now! Buy a copy of Stephen Covey's "First Things First." Sit down and read it!
Planning and goal setting is a number one priority whether you're mapping out strategy for a business or keeping your skills sharp to assure you're going to continue to be a valuable employee. You don't have the time NOT to plan!
I heard this excuse from a guy who hasn't had a job in 4 years! I don't know what else he's doing with his time, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that part of the reason he's still out of work is that he doesn't have a concrete plan for getting any!
- I don't have the money to _____________ (fill in the blank!).
Steal a pen and a single piece of paper! Actually, go to any bank or real estate office and act as if you're a customer, they'll give you a promotional package that will inevitably include a branded note pad and pen.
Whatever you're going to do in the coming year is dependent on the resources you have right now. You may be eating bean sandwiches, but there has never been more opportunity to accomplish so much with so little. You do need to take a realistic inventory of your current material; emotional and spiritual resources…
…then you need to DO SOMETHING! Not having the money is not an excuse; it may be the beginning of your highest priority goal!
Some people will use other scarcity issues as an excuse; not skilled enough, don't have the connections, no experience etc. So what? If you're lacking in some area it will be part of your plan to change that condition.
- Things are changing too fast; there's no way to predict ___________ (fill in the blank!).
Amen. Planning is not prophecy. I'll even grant that you could create the most bomb-proof plan ever created only to get blown up by a bigger, badder bomb!
Planning is dynamic; it's an ongoing process. But, you've got to start somewhere. You've got to have your eyes on the horizon and you've got to develop tools for making reasonable assumptions based on actual data.
That's what the planning process is all about. In addition to preparing you better for the coming year, planning helps you develop a greater awareness of the dangers and opportunities ahead.
- Unrealistic or unattainable goals. Base your plan on an accurate inventory of material, emotional and spiritual resources. This is the first part of the planning process.
- Bad data. Do your homework; make sure your inventory is accurate. Avoid taking emotional leaps. It's great to have a big idea that keeps you focused on the horizon, but remember to check the ground in front of you.
- Unspecific goals. You've got to be focused to succeed. Goals that are too broad or general are much more difficult to accomplish.
- Setbacks. Develop Black Belt Mindset; if you get knocked down seven times, get up eight! Small setbacks shouldn't derail your plans. Good planning helps you anticipate and overcome setbacks.
Whatever it is you hope to accomplish follow the example of the world's most successful people. Successful people don't wait for opportunities; they plan for them!
Additional reading:
Resolutions: Bullshit!
"Jim Bouchard's program is a revolutionary approach to planning and goal setting!"
- Take an accurate inventory of material, emotional and spiritual resources. For business, this inventory includes tangible and intangible assets.
- Develop specific attainable and sustainable goals based on current resources.
- Access the discipline and focus you need to accomplish your goals...even when times are tough!
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