I was all set to blast Janeane Garofalo unmercifully after her latest ridiculous rant. As much as I try to live by the Rule of Respect, Garofalo has challenged my patience and tolerance. Too many people substitute weakness and silence for authentic tolerance and compassion. I really felt it was my duty to speak up even at the risk of lowering myself to Garofalo's level and calling her hideous names including bitch, (Yup, that one did come to mind!), bigot, ignoramus and intolerant dolt.
I decided not to go there.
After all, Ms. Garofalo is entitled to her opinion. I'd prefer to debate her point by point.
In one of her recent tirades she said that everyone who attended the Tea Party protests were racists, that the protests were not about the economy but were obviously a bunch of "rednecks" who were "all about hating a black man in the White House."
I wanted to tell Ms. Garofalo that I voted for Jesse Jackson when her mother was still dumping poop from her Pampers. Of course, in the spirit of refraining from juvenile retorts, I decided to find out how old she is. To my surprise, these uninformed childish remarks come from someone who is only 4 years my junior. My mistake, I took Garofalo for much younger. I did in fact vote for Jesse Jackson for President; I don't know if Ms. Garofalo was still wearing diapers at the time.
The fact is that like many who attended the Tea Party protests, my issue has nothing to do with race. This seems to be a prominent theme in Garofalo's life. She also openly expresses hatred for attractive women and athletes. Strange perspective from someone whose looks have certainly not shut any doors in her career, but who am I to judge the depths of her insecurities? Oh, the race thing…I forgot that in the Janeane Garofalo world view you're only considered a racist if you're white; my mistake. I suppose the words redneck and cracker are terms of endearment, silly me to be offended.
By the way Janeane my neck is a rather bland beige color sometimes turning mocha brown in the summer. It is not red despite the fact that I often wear white socks and have enjoyed the occasional Blue Ribbon beer.
Next she goes off about how none of the people who attended the Tea Parties know anything about American history. To give her credit where credit is due, she did graduate with degrees in history and American studies from Providence College (Let's Go Friars!) so she must know something about the original Tea Party. She may have a point here; the original Tea Party was an illegal protest by English citizens in direct violation of several laws regarding assembly and the destruction of private property. If we really wanted to be authentic, we probably shouldn't have drawn permits for our events, should have destroyed someone's property and polluted some waterways. We really could have lived up to Garofalo's distorted accusations by disguising ourselves as Native Americans. That would not only have been racist, but we all could have hidden our true identities from the media who of course do nothing but promote right-wing causes. Oops! I forgot; at least at the event I attended the media never showed up!
Finally, Garofalo says that this protest is not about economics. If it were, she asks, where we were when the Bush administration was spending us into debt. Like many others I opposed the original TARP package. I questioned policies that were creating derivative financial products and extending credit without diligence. Janeane, most of us were speaking out then as now, though it was and remains a difficult struggle to be heard. We were respectful in our debate then as now which also makes it difficult to attract attention to our cause; obviously name calling and hatred attract more media exposure.
The real irony is that the political machinations that created these conditions were remarkably bi-partisan. Republicans allowed spending to go on unchecked and lost any fiscal high-ground as they joined Democrats in creating the policies that allowed the housing and credit bubbles to first inflate and then burst. Democrats jumped into bed with the "evil" big businesses that they'd been railing against for years; many of them own these business. Career politicians from both parties curried favors, lined their pockets and sold out the American taxpayer to preserve their power and increase their personal fortunes.
Of course most of us do not enjoy the public platform that Garofalo and other celebrities can use to blow their political horns. Pardon us if we were busy at our local Chambers of Commerce, attending town meetings and trying to get the ears of our state and federal representatives, many of whom have long ago forgotten that they work for us.
Here's the deal Janeane. I am very concerned that America is devolving at an increasing rate into a society where initiative is destroyed, personal responsibility cast aside and people who contribute to society are robbed by those who do not. We do not lack compassion as you accuse; we're committed to helping those with authentic need and those who appreciate and leverage our generosity to improve their lives. We're sick of those who take what we give and demand more and those who can and should contribute but instead condemn themselves to a never-ending cycle of dependency.
Most of all I'm sick of elite voices thumping chests and spouting rhetoric about tightening our belts and putting our "skin in the game." We've been skinned and our hides have been sold to keep lousy business afloat, to support foreign banks and to support politicians that pander to the same interests they publicly denounce. Our hard-earned supports illegal immigrants, deadbeats and people who refuse to do anything to take care of their own health.
Until recently we watched as our personal liberties were threatened and as our fundamental rights became the subject of political debate and judicial discretion. We've seen our treasure plundered and redistributed by so-called experts who cannot provide solutions but have the power to rob us of our property.
The Rights expressed in our Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution are not granted by our government. These are the natural rights of mankind that our founders, for the first time, rightfully protected from the abuse of any government. Many Americans have surrendered these rights for the sake of convenience. Many more of us have not.
The vast majority of the people who attended Tea Parties are those who still value the rights of the individual, the sole entitlement of opportunity and the fundamental principal that our government was created to serve and protect the individual, not to be a patriarchal provider to a society of dependents.
Janeane, to be blunt you're one of those elite voices. If you want to really find the heart of the American people I invite you to a delicious bar-b-cue and respectful debate on July 4th weekend. If you're willing, I'll even take you to a Tea Party event so you can actually meet the people you so openly condemn.
You're a self-professed pessimist. You once said, "I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things. The glass is always half empty. And cracked. And I just cut my lip on it. And chipped a tooth."1 I know you're a comedienne and to be honest, that is kind of funny in context, but it's also kind of sad in a way.
I'm a self-professed optimist. Despite a few chipped teeth, a dozen or so concussions, a pound of metal in my leg and times when my wallet and my heart were empty I remain optimistic for my future and the future of our country. Let's visit for a few hours; maybe I can cheer you up!
On second thought, I'd rather just enjoy my weekend.
Click here for Ms. Garofalo's complete exchange with bloggers in Boston.
- Wikipedia contributors, "Janeane Garofalo," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Janeane_Garofalo&oldid=289665592 (accessed May 13, 2009).
Jim Bouchard is America's Black Belt POWERVATOR...Speaker, coach and author of Dynamic Components of Personal POWER! Click here for more information on Jim or to book him for your next corporate event, meeting or conference!
Jim also serves on the Governement Liaison Committee at the Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber of Commerce where is active in working with business people and legislators to create sensible policy for Maine and America. We could not find any such affiliations for Ms. Garofalo....DCPP Staff.